You are the owner of Acme Aviation Safety Consulting Service. You are offering

You are the owner of Acme Aviation Safety Consulting Service. You are offering free consultations to companies and individuals concerning the dynamics of aviation safety management. Your job is to respond to emails and answer any questions about safety management and SMS either as a written, audio, or video reply.
Include in your initial post:
Where your clients are? Feel free to name the country or state where your clients are located for any or all discussions.
Follow these general rules:
Be polite, but not obsequious.
Be succinct, accurate, and informative based on course material.
Avoid opinions, vague or nebulous responses with no substance.
Avoid extreme dramatics terms, e.g., “If you do not follow this plan, there will be horrible accidents.”
Reply to the following email:
To: Acme Aviation Safety Consulting Services.
From: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Oui Salut,
I work as the new safety director here at Paris–Le Bourget Airport.
I am curious to know about the various SMS concepts that can be applied to risk management at an airport. Perhaps you can provide some analysis and examples, oui?
Au revoir,
– Antoine
Review Chapter 3, starting at page 73, in the International Helicopter Safety Team, (IHST) document, to see the correlation in the procedures of SMS implementation and GAP analysis as key elements in establishing and managing airport/heliport aviation safety program issues.

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