Writing Task: Mention the titles and authors of three sources you found this wee

Writing Task: Mention the titles and authors of three sources you found this week as you discuss what you learned from them about your chosen topic. Which discoveries made your topic clearer to you? Which concepts or data did you find confusing?
In this 90-minute timed essay, you will take your second step toward the final research paper. You will show me what you’ve been learning about your topic, and you will practice building solid paragraphs. As in the Beginning Essay (I will paste the beginning essay below for reference), aim to be thoughtful and clear, and use the last half hour of your time to check and revise your essay with your reader’s needs in mind. Practice writing paragraphs with unity, coherence, a topic sentence, and adequate development.
Notice that the rubric for this essay includes one more criterion: sources. Include at least three outside sources of information about your topic, and indicate the sources’ titles and authors.
Gather all the knowledge you’ve acquired this week from the three articles you found and express what you have learned about your topic. In this class, we will use MLA style to cite sources. Normally, you would need to include a works cited page for a researched essay, but since this week’s essay is more informal, you do not need to include one. However, keep track of your research and mention sources by name in your essay as you introduce what you learned from each source during your exploration of your chosen topic.
The essay should reach at least 500 words in length, which amounts to about 3-5 paragraphs. It should mention all three of the articles you found and read this week. That’s all it takes to receive full credit.
You have ninety minutes to write this essay, but if you need a little more time than that to finish up, that’s fine. Write at least 500 words, and remember to hit “return” twice to create paragraph breaks. Do your best to include an introductory paragraph, body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. (The 90 minute time limit obviously does not apply.)
Here is the beginning essay for reference:
I have always been interested in the issue of food waste. It has captured my attention and makes me strive for change because of the massive size of this problem and its far-reaching effects. An immense amount of food produced for human consumption is wasted every year which is very concerning, especially due to the fact that world hunger is still a major problem. It truly astonishes me that so much food goes to waste while people all over the world are struggling to find their next meal. This has inspired me to look into the causes of such inefficiency and try to find solutions. Food waste does not only effect those in need, but it can also have a huge impact on the environment. When food is wasted, greenhouse gases are released into the environment as the food breaks down in landfills, in addition to the waste of necessary resources like water, land, and energy. Take into account the resources needed to produce food: land for cultivation, energy for transportation, and water for irrigation. When we waste food, we are basically wasting all of these precious resources. Additionally, the methane produced by food waste in landfills enhances climate change as it is a powerful greenhouse gas. There is no denying that food waste plays a substantial role in climate change, which is why we should all strive to be part of the solution in order to keep the environment sustainable for us to live. To improve this component of the problem, initiatives that inform consumers and the food sector about the need of reducing food waste are crucial.
A wide range of complex factors contribute to food waste. For instance, buyers frequently assume that a wide variety of fresh vegetables would always be available throughout the whole year, regardless of the season, which results in an overabundance of food. Because of the encouragement to cultivate and harvest more than is necessary, there is an abundance of food that can be easily wasted. Changes in production practices, consumer expectations, and consumer education regarding the seasonal availability of specific crops are all important to alleviate overproduction. A key factor in the issue of food waste is consumer behavior. It is alarming to see how much perfectly good food is thrown out because consumers don’t know enough about food safety and preservation.
However, what really interests me about this topic is the chance for change. Food waste is a problem that is not insurmountable. By combining individual initiatives with systemic reforms and innovative solutions, we should be able to overcome this difficulty. Communities, corporations, and governments all across the world are already taking action to reduce food waste through initiatives including food recovery programs, improved supply chain management, and consumer education campaigns. I get inspiration in the thought of supporting this change-making movement. Understanding the reasons for food waste and continuously pursuing solutions will help us come closer to a time where food is recognized as the priceless resource that it actually is.

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