Write or present a convincing argument with supporting textual evidence from the

Write or present a convincing argument with supporting textual evidence from the texts in the course, as well as others of your own choosing, as to why Shakespeare still matters or does not matter. Explain whether his writing reflects the human condition or not. Is Shakespearean literature still relatable today? Explain with reasons and textual evidence.
< < If presenting: You may present this as a multimedia presentation in which you convince your audience as to why Shakespeare still does or does not matter today. For power point, you are to have 8-10 slides (Not including title slide and reference slide), with 3-5 bullets per slide. Use the notes section under each slide to discuss and explain your points; also add appropriate citations within your notes or next to bullet points. A reference list should be placed on your final slide. Include appropriate images that enhance your presentation or video. < <

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