write a 200-word post about this scientist’s talk. What stem cells are they inve

write a 200-word post about this scientist’s talk. What stem cells are they investigating? What question did they have at the start of their research? What did they do to address that question? What were their results, and what did they subsequently conclude from those results? Did they identify any future directions of the research? What remaining questions do you have?
Note: You do not necessarily need to summarize the entire talk (some are very dense). It’s okay to focus on just the a part of the talk that is most interesting to you, if that feels right.
Option #1: Dr. Tyler Allen talking about “How Circulating Stem Cells Exit Blood Vessels”
“Injecting adult stem cells into the bloodstream could help regenerate tissue damaged by heart attacks. For this to happen, circulating stem cells need to exit blood vessels and reach the damaged tissue. While scientists knew that circulating stem cells are able to exit the bloodstream, how they did it was a mystery. In this lecture, Tyler Allen describes angiopellosis, a new way for circulating stem cells exit blood vessels when injected into the blood for therapies.”
Link: https://www.ibiology.org/development-and-stem-cells/circulating-stem-cells/

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