Wirte a 4 page paper to discuss your case study of : A 10 yr old female that pr

Wirte a 4 page paper to discuss your case study of
: A 10 yr old female that presents with Respiratory congestion and body aches.
Discuss the Assessment Tools or Diagnostic Tests: ALL THREE tools must be discussed and referenced please.
COVID 19 PCRs, Rapid Influenza testing, RSV Respiratory Panel Testing
Explain health issues and risks that are relevant to the child you were assigned related
to the testing
. Describe additional information you would need in order to further assess the child’s
issues or related tests.
Describe any risks, and consider what further information you would need to gain a full understanding of the child’s health.
Think about how you could gather this information in a sensitive fashion.
Taking into account the parents’ and caregivers’ potential sensitivities, list at least three specific questions you would ask about the child to gather more information.
Provide at least two strategies you could employ to encourage the parents or caregivers to be proactive about their child’s health and weight.
Support your writing with 7 APA nursing reference with last 5years.

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