Where should you look to find possible solutions to analyze? Check out your caus

Where should you look to find possible solutions to analyze? Check out your causes. If you have specific curable causes listed in your memo, you should have no trouble finding solutions. Research solutions used by other companies in your industry (or in industries comparable to yours) with similar problems.
You must upload at least two possible solutions. Each solution must have at least two pros and two cons with research to support them. The pros are the positive reasons why this is the best solution for the company’s benefit; the cons are the disadvantages or red flags that may make the company think twice before adopting. Cons can be costs in time, money or resources, or potentially less tangible yet still detrimental factors like shift in company culture. Any sources cited in your reference list must have matching parenthetical (in-text) citations in your paper. You must give credit to your sources; minimum of four sources. Be sure to read ahead to the Recommendation Report Introduction so you will know where this assignment is leading us. Read the directions and sample attached below carefully before you begin your research.

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