What were the three major points you learned through reading the assigned chapters?
What did you not know or were not able to do before reading the assigned material? How does this make you feel?
Based on your experiences and assigned material, what will you do as an expatriate or a manager working with people from different countries in the future to make use of your learnings? For example:Will you, in some way, behave differently? Will you do further readings? Are there things you will observe more closely or in a different way?
#Formatting Guidelines
Total word 350
Use easy word
Typed, using 11- or 12-point font, Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri.
Double spaced, 1 inch margins.
Number all pages and follow the structured outline of the assignment.
Be organized: clearly identify all parts with section headings. Use headings to separate answers on
each question.
Grammar, spelling, sentence structure, clarity, good/appropriate use of language all contribute to good
Ensure your ideas are clearly thought-out and well-written. Be as specific as possible. Support your
arguments with evidence and explain your positio
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