What were the author’s main contention(s) in Chapters 6-7 of Economics in Christ

What were the author’s main contention(s) in Chapters 6-7 of Economics in Christian Perspective?
Discuss any new concept(s) you learned from the chapters that stimulated your thinking. Were there any economic theories, concepts, and/or models you have studied at Eastern University that you question or don’t agree with in light of the author’s views? How have the ideas in these chapters impacted the way you think about integrating your Christian faith and your work and the unique challenges faced by Christians in the workplace?
Faith integration journal entries should reflect principles and concepts contained in the specific chapters assigned each week. This is the place to ask questions and dialog with the instructor about integrating faith in real-world professional contexts, as well as questions pertaining to the final paper. These entries should help students in preparing for and writing the course’s final faith focus paper.
Journal entries will be graded according to the following rubric:

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