What are your resource requirements (financial and nonfinancial) and how will yo

What are your resource requirements (financial and nonfinancial) and how will you attain them?
– You will have to write 2 papers for this question ^
– Our project is to design a filter for the washing machine to eliminate microplastic pollution.
– Here’s the group work so far, ( so you can know what’s the project about and what’s the style of writing, PLEASE READ IT!)
– 1. What are you and why do you exist? Introduce yourselves and your Company: name, group members and their organizational roles, a mission statement, and maybe a “tag-line.”
Microplastic pollution is a newly recognized and increasingly talked about form of environmental degradation whose ill effects on humans are still unknown. Katie Okamoto (2021) states that these pollutants can be classified as any piece of plastic less than 5 millimeters in length. They are so ubiquitous that there are “18 to 24 shopping bags full of small plastic fragments for every foot of coastline on every continent except Antarctica” or as the National Library of Medicine (Campanale, et al.,2020) states, the pollution is “so extensive that many scientists use them as key indicators of the recent and contemporary period defining a new historical epoch: The Plasticene.” While 5 millimeters is the largest these plastic pieces can be, it should be emphasized, however, that when dumped into nature the further breakdown of microplastics into smaller and smaller sizes is common and inevitable. Due to their small size, humans can quickly ingest these particles, and “microplastics under 100 nm in size can reach almost all organs after entering the human body” (Lee et al., 2023).
PureWash, our group’s authentic, sustainable, and globally minded passion project, is dedicated to combating this growing threat and evokes this commitment with the tagline “Plastic ain’t Fantastic.” Textiles currently create an estimated 35% of microplastic pollutants via microfiber shedding during the automated washing process (Okamoto, 2021), the largest single source and exactly what we want to stop. With our wastewater filtration device, PureFilter, and microfiber collecting laundry bag, PureBag, we aim to prevent this problem at the source by filtering out and collecting microplastic particles from the wastewater of our washing machines which can then be safely and sustainably disposed of. As “microplastics do not biodegrade and are impossible to recover once released into habitats…” (Okamoto, 2021), the importance of this stage of pollution mitigation is essential. We genuinely believe that everyone has the power to pursue and practice our mission statement of saving our planet in the comfort of our homes if we can get the right tools in all of our hands. To pursue this noble goal, we will aim to insert ourselves into the B2C and B2B markets, working with manufacturers to install or package our products with theirs straight out of the assembly lines as well as in consumer-facing spaces to allow those customers who want to do their part to do so economically, without having to buy a whole new washing machine, by self-installing our DIY friendly filtration system.
Our dedicated C-suite is composed of Adam Chinchar, our CEO, who nominated this problem as too necessary to be ignored. Kostas Lyssikatos, as a hard charging and adept coordinator, is our COO. Jack Scolnick, our always pragmatic voice of reason, CIO. Skylar Glen, the initiative taking, communication-minded CMO. Janet Hernandez Vargas, our CHRO, whose work on solving problems we don’t even forecast yet is invaluable. Evan Maguire, whose talent for finding and leveraging the details of our competition makes him a natural shoe-in as CDO. Blake Wasko is our CFO, whose diligent work analyzing the market enables our future sales and expansion. Fares Zendah, the man who does the hard lifting of logistically making our business dreams a tangible reality and product, CPO, and last, but certainly not least, Marigrace Barth, whose work as CCO will allow PureWash to grow into a household name.
2. What was the unmet need? How does your company meet it? Describe your products/services, operations, potential customer base, growth plans (see later section for 4-year plan) Which geographies will you cover (for example: local, regional, national, global, galaxy, intergalactic)
The unmet need addressed by our company, PureWater, is the pervasive problem of microplastic pollution. This pollution has been a result of the everyday use of traditional washing machines and it has become an increasingly alarming problem to the environment as well as our health. Plastic can take an extensive amount of time to decompose; they do not disintegrate into harmless molecules. They are detected everywhere; from oceans to the air to even the food we eat. It is evident that the need for a solution is rising as the pollution only grows worse. Our company, PureWater, tackles and challenges this issue head on; imagine being able to effortlessly filter microplastics from being released into wastewater that subsequently reaches our oceans and ecosystems. PureWater’s cutting edge technology allows just about everyone to do just that. Our operations involve manufacturing, marketing, and distributing PureWater filters. With an easy installation, PureWater provides a filter that attaches to most washing machines, allowing over 95% of microplastics to be collected in each wash. We offer a range of filter models that are suitable for different washing machine types, ensuring a broad accessibility to consumers. Additionally, we offer the availability of customer support to install the filter in your home if necessary as well as replacement filter cartridges as part of our service.
There are various consumer bases we plan to cover through B2B. First we will start with appliance retailers who are seeking to offer eco-friendly washing machines. This will give us the chance to introduce our product to those who are seriously interested in investing in a more sustainable lifestyle. This distribution will be best by working with retailers through either direct sales or even online sales. Next, we will target consumers in environmental organizations such as The Nature Conservancy or the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). These groups work toward ecosystem restoration and human health which aligns with our mission for PureWater filters.
Over the next four years, our technology plans to achieve set milestones per year. Starting with year one, we want to establish a strong presence in our domestic market. By focusing on awareness within the U.S., this will allow us to solidify our marketing efforts within a set area, granting us to build a secure relationship with local consumers. When year 2 arises, we want to expand into
3. Describe the business environments you examined in developing the company. Cover the areas of economic, Political and legal/regulatory, technological, and socio-cultural. What are some of the challenges and opportunities you found?
According to the European Environmental Agency, over 14 million tons of microplastics have risen on the world’s ocean floor (Europa. EU). PureWash believes that this is a serious issue that will affect the future generations of humanity and the world’s global economies. Microfiber pollution is a topic that needs to be addressed in our societies due to the rise of microplastics growing annually in our global oceans. As a result, there will eventually be harmful long-term effects on our ecosystems, animals, and human beings. PureWash has a mission and vision to supply individuals with our sustainable washing filters, PureFilter, and our microfiber collecting laundry bags, PureBag, to eliminate the risk of harmful microplastics being released into our global environments.
Economic Opportunities:
PureWash can play a role in aiding the global environment and the economy to combat the threat of microfibers by implementing our sustainable filters for washing machines, PureFilter in people’s homes, and our microfiber collecting laundry bag, Purebag.
PureWash will supply PureFilter and Purebag to customers at an affordable cost. Our company’s vision is to involve as many people as possible to satisfy our long-term goal of creating a much more sustainable world.
PureWash will have the opportunity to become a leader by stimulating the American economy against the threat of microfiber pollution. According to an article from Katie Okamoto of the New York Times, there’s limited competition for companies that supply microplastic filters that you attach to the water exhaust of your washing machine (Okamoto, Katie).
Economic Threats:
Plastic pollution can severely harm the American and Global economies in the long run if we do not have any sense of urgency to combat this issue. According to the University of Michigan, the United States lost $255 billion in revenue due to plastic pollution in 2018 (University of Michigan).
The United Nations states that the economic damage to the world’s marine ecosystems due to the harmful effects of plastic pollution was around an average cost of $13 Billion (United Nations).
Microfiber pollution would also ignite threats to the tourism and business sectors of the global economy (United Nations).
Introducing various technologies would benefit from protecting the earth from the harmful effects of microfiber pollution. Newer technologies would generate improved communication, efficiency, and effectiveness when dealing with the detrimental effects of microfiber pollution. PureWash’s microfiber filters consist of high-quality technology that captures the harmful microfibers in our clothes from the washing machines in our homes. Moreover, our company would create an app that would inform the user of the status of the microfiber filter and if it needs to be replaced or cleaned. PureWash also has a vision to partner with various outdoor-friendly sustainable clothing brands from our app. These clothing brands would sell their products through our app, and in return, our company would receive around 10% commission from each product bought by a user.
Technology Opportunities:
Our company will invest in high-quality technology when innovating our microfiber filters to combat the threats of microfiber pollution. Newer technologies would simplify operations more efficiently to reach our company’s goal.
Analyze customer data and evaluate potential markets where PureWash would like to immerse ourselves in growing our company’s market share and overall long-term growth.
PureWash aims to find multiple ways to grow our profitability. This is by individuals purchasing our microfiber filters and our company engaging in strategic alliances with various sustainable clothing brands and profiting from product commission.
Technology Threats:
Finding clothing brands agreeing to a strategic alliance with PureWash could be difficult. This objective could take some time, and we must be patient with our company’s long-term growth and progress.
The growth in newer technologies and advanced communication means more competition, directly and indirectly, with competitors in America and around the world due to rising globalization. PureWash must have a quick time to market when launching our product and overall brand before competitors.
We must implement only a few innovations into our product. The expenses would result in the overall cost of the product rising. PureWash aims to create advancements for future generations by making our product affordable for them to contribute to our company’s overall vision and mission.
Although there has not been much involvement surrounding the global issues of microfiber pollution, the United States government is beginning to immerse itself in educating individuals about the harmful effects of microfiber pollution. According to the Federal Register, the United States Government passed the “Save Our Seas 2.0 Act,” which requires the Interagency Marine Debris Coordinating Committee (IMDCC) to provide Congress with a complete full report on Microfiber Pollution (Federal Register). The main impetus of the article is to provide Congress with an analysis of the Microfiber Pollution catastrophe, which creates an opportunity for Federal agencies to partner with stakeholders to address and raise awareness of Microfiber Pollution. PureWash must see the United States Government as an ally in aiding our company in dismantling this externality.
Political and Legal/Regulatory Opportunities
PureWash must partner with the American Government to eliminate the harmful effects of microfiber pollution. PureWash is an American company and must represent our nation in the best way possible.
The United States will become a leader in addressing the awareness of harmful Microfiber pollution due to current companies worldwide neglecting the world’s safety. California is leading the charge, planning to implement a bill titled “AB 1628,” which leads the nation in addressing microfiber pollution and gives the incentive for innovation among washing machine manufacturers (Ocean Conservancy).
Our company has the potential to grow in market share and overall profitability due to being based in a country with high financial and economic stability.
Political and Legal/Regulatory Threats:
If our government fails to control and resolve this world epidemic, consequences would result in recessions, country-to-country trade would suffer, and more environments, animals, and people would decline and eventually die.
Our company must always know and abide by the United States’s regulations. For example, PureWash should keep track of tariff prices and exchange rates if our company chooses to outsource our production to a foreign manufacturer.
Our company must always keep track of recently passed laws and regulations. This way, PureWash can develop an effective strategy for PureWash to stimulate in the right direction if there is an obstacle.
Lastly, the socio-cultural environment is essential for PureWash to understand and connect with since this section would focus on having our company be viewed favorably and educating the American population from all demographics and backgrounds about the harmful effects of microfiber pollution. It would be essential to have many individuals invest in our company’s mission and vision to create a cleaner and much-improved world. For example, PureWash can participate in Corporate social responsibility-related activities throughout various American communities by raising awareness and creating events about the harmful effects of microfiber pollution worldwide. Only a few individuals worldwide understand the detrimental effects of microplastics on the environment. Our company must spread awareness to various societies in America and worldwide to achieve our goal. Furthermore, we must desire to assist those in need, such as ensuring manufacturer workers are being treated and paid exceptionally well, especially if we consider outsourcing our manufacturing to a foreign nation.
Socio-Cultural Opportunities:
PureWash has a vision of educating various Americans from different generations and backgrounds about the harmful effects of microplastics.
PureWash’s primary purpose is to raise awareness by creating a positive image for our company and finding a way to assist the world in any way, shape, or form.
We must show strong community support in Charlotte to raise awareness and become a growing, recognized brand.
Socio-Cultural Threats:
There is a threat of individuals who do not care or have a desire to abide by our company’s message of improving society by repeating their same habits and refusing to accept change.
Ensure that our company uses sustainable manufacture of our products and that domestic and international factory workers are treated and paid exceptionally well.
Be aware of always protecting our brand’s image. Something direct or indirect could occur at any time, and we must be prepared.
Entry Strategy
The entry strategy we want to use for PureWash is the standard exporting strategy. Exporting is a common entry strategy for companies to start with, and then later move on to a different strategy. The purpose of exporting is to manufacture our product in a centralized location, and then exporting it to other businesses and consumer markets. Doing so allows for scale economies, meaning PureWash can save money on manufacturing as production becomes more efficient, and with that sales will increase. Exporting is also beneficial because it stays consistent with other global markets and maintains a clear global strategy.
There are some possible downsides to exporting, which include costs and tariff barriers. In terms of cost, it is sometimes a cheaper option to manufacture in a different country and export from there. In doing so, there may be a variation in quality of work done as well as skill level of workers. We want to ensure that PureWash is manufactured correctly and efficiently, which is why we will be exporting from within the United States. Another cost that may affect exporting is transportation. Transporting from one location would be extremely difficult and expensive, so we plan to manufacture on a regional basis to lower these costs. Tariff barriers could also become an issue when exporting globally. The tariffs can cause exporting our product to certain places to be very costly. PureWash will have to selectively choose which markets are best for our product, partially by deciding which tariff barriers are worth paying and which ones are not.
In the future, PureWash has plans to incorporate an app for consumers to keep track of when to replace filters. The app will also feature several outdoor-friendly, sustainable clothing brands that PureWash will essentially collaborate with. This is called a strategic alliance, which is defined as two independent companies agreeing to pursue a specific goal together, in this case being their clothing lines being featured on our app. We thought it would be better for PureWash to switch to this strategy for the future because we will hopefully be a more established brand in the next few years, and collaborating with brand-name clothing can only increase our outreach. With this strategy we do have to make sure of a few things before deciding who to partner with. This would first include ensuring the companies we partner with have similar ethics, views, and goals as PureWash. We don’t want to promote a sustainable product and then proceed to partner with companies known to be unsustainable, or it might hurt our image, and therefore our sales. Secondly, we may have to adjust our products for cultures and countries outside the United States. Places outside the U.S. may not use the same kind of washers we do, let alone filters, so we need to make sure our product is compatible with several types of washers for global expansion.
Although the strategic alliance is still a few years away, beginning with the exporting strategy will be a great way to enter the microplastic filter market. After establishing ourselves as a sustainable and trustworthy filter, we can then look forward to moving into new markets with our partnerships with clothing brands through our PureWash app.

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