Welcome to the Module #2 Discussion Board (DB) for our course! Just a reminder, module specific discussion boards for EDN 301 will ask all students to BOTH respond to one required question, and then choose from a list of several additional questions to respond to. All student responses should be reflective of your thoughts and assertions supported by your course readings and available resources. You will continue to be required to respond to your classmates’ initial posts and develop an ongoing professional discussion with one another. I will be reading all of the posts and responses. Each DB consists of three main portions overall:
Required Question/Topic
Choice Question/Topic
Responses to classmates’ initial posts
The questions or topics in each discussion board are to be used as probing questions for facilitating a professional and ongoing conversation. Discussion boards will cover information within the module to reflect assigned readings, assignments, and reflective application that are intended to help you grow in your educational path and into your ‘teaching persona’. Many times discussion boards end up with students saying that they feel they are repeating the same thing their peers are posting, so to avoid that in this course you have the option to choose (for the second portion of your post) the question or questions that you would like to use as your starting point for your discussion board post.
While the DB requirements are the same for the content of this assignment, the format is different. For this discussion board you will need to create a video of yourself discussing the questions/topics. You may use any resource/tool that will capture video of you talking through the topics. There is video capture tool built directly into Canvas! This video is a strategic requirement so that you can put a face with the names of your classmates and to prepare you for your instructional video assignment later in this semester. Many students will use their smart phone to record a video of themselves talking, which is perfectly fine. If you do use that option, please make sure your video is formatted to be viewed correctly and is not sideways or upside down. I would recommend creating a YouTube account to host your videos on the YouTube server so that you do not run into any file size glitches with uploading videos.
Students have asked, “How long should the video be?” That’s a very difficult question to answer and depends on whether a student has scripted a response or if a students it simply talking in reflection. For the sake of argument, I would envision a 4-6 minute video as being long enough to accomplish both the required question and the choice question(s). Your video post should not be longer than 10 minutes.
Discussion Board 2 Questions/Topics:
PART 1 – Required Question/Topic: Please answer all parts of the first question!
Grading is seldom easy or pleasant! How will you work grades (and feedback) and the grading (and feedback) process in your future classroom?
How will you keep students informed of their progress during the grading term?
How will achievement be monitored and recorded during the grading period?
How will effort and knowledge be weighed in your grading?
How does good or bad behavior effect grading?
This is a video discussion response. Many students like to script their responses prior to delivering it ‘on screen’. So, if you do script something, I would expect respondents to utilize at least one – two full paragraph(s) for their responses.
Please refer to your textbook or assigned reading reference.
PART 2 – Choice Question(s)/Topic(s): Please reference the textbook or your course materials!
(You must choose at least one option below)
To what extent do you believe that the gender of the teacher or the student influences the selection of classroom rules? For that matter, explain why teacher and/or student cultural contexts matter when designing a classroom management plan.
The last three items in the cognitive taxonomy – analysis, synthesis, and evaluation – are often called higher “order thinking skills”. Why are they considered “higher order”? What general characteristics do they exhibit?
How can you structure classroom questions to stimulate the development of students’ thinking skills?
How could implementing CHAMPs into a learning environment increase student achievement?
This is a video discussion response. Many students like to script their response prior to delivering it ‘on screen’. So, if you do script something, I would expect respondents to utilize at least one – two full paragraph(s) for their responses.
Please refer to your textbook or assigned reading reference.
PART 3 – Professional Conversations:
Respond to at least 3 of your classmates’ initial posts for this discussion board. The number of classmate’s that is required for you to respond to is not very high because the purpose is to develop in depth conversations and it is not easy to do that with a multitude of people. With that said, please make sure your conversations with one another are professional, respectful, and reflect a conversation that would help you and your peers grow pedagogically. You can choose to respond with a video or with written text in the discussion board threads.
Graded Criteria
Video of yourself discussing required question/topic
All questions addressed
Textbook and or course materials referenced
Video of yourself discussing choice question/topic
1 or more questions addressed
Textbook and or course materials referenced
Response to classmate’s initial posts (min 3; in depth)
Total Points
*Professional Product refers to your video submission using correct grammar, making a cohesive argument, having a confident presentation style and being turned in on time, etc. When preparing for any assignment, refrain from talking in slang and/or shorthand.
*APA Format Example:
In-line Citation: (Orlich et al., 2012, p. 15);
Reference: Orlich, D. C., Harder, R. J., Trevisan, M. S., Brown, A. H. & Miller, D. (2018). Teaching strategies: A guide to effective instruction. Cengage Learning.
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