Week Three Discussion 1 Must post first. Subscribe LEADERSHIP AND ETHICS Any le

Week Three Discussion 1
Must post first.
Any leadership role must consider the concept of “ethics”, both personal and organizational. Generally, when we think of ethics it refers to “rules of behavior” or “ideas” about what is morally good, right, acceptable and bad.
Santa Clara University’s Markkula center for applied ethics finds; ethics first refers to well-founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues.
Linda Fisher Thornton’s article from Business news Daily on the “7 steps to Ethical Leadership” offers advise on 7 practical actions leaders can take to integrate “ethical conduct” into their organizations. Click on the link below and read the article:How to Be an Ethical Leader
Answer the following questions in Discussion Board:Give a brief summary of Ms. Fisher Thornton’s article on the “7 steps to Ethical Leadership”.
In the 7 steps, which 2 steps do you think are the most important and why?
Remark on at least two other students Posts about the 2 steps they selected.
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