Week Three Assignment Hide Assignment Information Instructions Week Three Assign

Week Three Assignment
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Week Three Assignment
Each week students will be required to complete a “wiki assignment”. A wiki provides an area where students can contribute and collaborate on course content. Students shall click on the “Wiki assignment” and complete the activities to review and address the content questions. Activities can include a video, podcast or other interactive learning tool.
Students will create and edit wiki pages to answer and address the questions pertaining to each wiki assignment. Wiki pages is different then discussion board in that it is more formally written (follow APA) and students are not required to comment on another students post. You can find wikis on the course menu or on the Tools page. On the wikis listing page, select the name of the wiki topic you want. Or you can simply click on the Wiki Assignment above in each weekly course modules. See Wiki rubric for grading.
Week Three Wiki Assignment: Ethics & Moral
Ethics refers to the study and development of one’s ethical standards. Feelings, laws, and social norms can deviate from what is considered “ethical”. So, it is necessary to constantly examine one’s standards to ensure they are reasonable and well founded. Ethics then, also means, the continuous effort of studying our own moral beliefs and our moral conduct, and striving to ensure that we, and the institutions we help to shape, live up to standards that are reasonable and solidly-based.
(What is Ethics? Article; Santa Clara University, 2010)
MoralDNA™ is a personality profile designed to assist with understanding your moral values. Professor Roger Steare and Psychologist Pavlov Stamboulides, the developers of MoralDNA, believe “how we make decisions and do the right thing” develops throughout our lives and can also vary according to the circumstances we find ourselves in.
This exercise is a diagnostic tool that measures how we make decisions based on the ethic of obedience (rules), the ethic of reason (principles) and the ethic of care (outcomes for others). It is also able to detect changes in the way we make ethical decisions in both our professional lives as well as in our personal lives.
Click on the website below to take the MoralDNA personal profile.
Once on the site click on “Discover your Moral DNA” and take the Moral DNA personal test.
What’s your MoralDNA?
Complete the following questions:
In the MoralDNA exercise, which was your MoralDNA™ character type and what was your order of preference on the ethics of the Law, Love and Logic.
What was your highest score and lowest score on the “Ten Moral Values”.
What did you think of your results on the MoralDNA exercise?
Please click on the link below to view an example of what a student response should entail in wiki pages.
CJA 446 Student Example Wiki – PDF Document (384 KB)
Please find below the rubric to which all wiki assignments are graded.
CJA 446 Wiki Assignment Rubric – PDF Document (133 KB)
Click on Week Three Assignment link above to continue to the Wiki Page where you will title your Wiki with your name and answer the questions in the textbox.
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Rubric Name: Copy of Wiki Assignment Rubric(1)
Criterion Score
4 points
The writer’s central purpose, argument or overview is readily apparent to the reader; clear ideas about the assignment
3 points
The writing has a clear purpose, argument or overview but may sometimes digress from it.
2 points
The purpose argument or review is not consistently clear throughout the assignment.
1 point
The purpose, argument or review is generally unclear.
Score of Purpose,
/ 4
4 points
Balanced presentation of relevant and legitimate information that clearly supports the assignment shows a thoughtful, in-depth analysis of a significant topic, above the basic review; content is specific, accurate, interesting and appropriate.
3 points
Information provides reasonable support of the assignment and displays evidence of a basic analysis the assigned topic.
2 points
Information supports the assignment but often strays from purpose or elements of the assignment. Analysis is basic or general.
1 point
Central theme of assignment is not clearly identified or articulated. Analysis is vague or not evident.
Score of Content,
/ 4
4 points
The ideas are arranged logically to support the purpose or argument. Ideas flow smoothly from one to another and are clearly linked to each other. The reader can follow the line of reasoning.
3 points
The ideas are arranged logically to support the central purpose or review. Ideas are usually clearly linked to each other. For the most part, the reader can follow the line of reasoning.
2 points
In general, the writing is arranged logically, although occasionally ideas fail to make sense together. The reader is fairly clear about what the writer intends.
1 point
The writing is not logically organized. Frequently, ideas fail to make sense or do not cover the subject matter. There is no logical line of reasoning.
Score of grid.row2.label,
/ 4
4 points
APA format is used accurately and consistently in the paper and on the “References” section; follows APA guidelines with regard to mechanics, sentence structure, and word choice.
3 points
APA format is used with minor errors; follows APA guidelines with regard to mechanics, sentence structure, and word choice with few minor errors.
2 points
There are frequent errors in APA format.
1 point
Format of the document is not recognizable as APA. Or there are no citations.
Score of APA,
/ 4
Grammar & Spelling
4 points
All grammar and spelling are correct.
3 points
Only one or two errors in spelling/grammar.
2 points
A few grammar and/or spelling errors.
1 point
Very frequent grammar and/or spelling errors.
Score of Grammar & Spelling,
/ 4
TotalScore of Copy of Wiki Assignment Rubric(1),
/ 20Overall Score
Exemplary17.5 points minimum
Good12.5 points minimum
Acceptable7.5 points minimum
Unacceptable0 points minimum
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