Week 5
Standards Alignment
Technologies evolve. They come and go. What might be innovative right this minute likely will be antiquated within the decade. Think about your own experiences as a student. How many technology trends have you witnessed throughout your academic life? While the actual technology might change, the way in which technology is implemented for pedagogical use does not. In order to maintain a baseline for technology application in educational settings, the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has developed a set of standards, originally named National Educational Technology Standards (NETS), and now simply referred to as the ISTE Standards, to help guide the integration of technology for students, teachers, and administrators. This set of standards is refreshed every 5-10 years to reflect the changes in the instructional technology landscape. Figure 4 illustrates the ISTE standards for students, which were redefined in 2016.
ISTE Standards; empowered learner, digital citizen, knowledge constructor, innovative designer, computational thinker, creative communicator, global collaborator.
Figure 3. ISTE standards for students.
In addition, the ISTE has developed a list of 14 Essential Conditions (2019) that are recommended to be in place prior to new technology integration. Some conditions include having a shared vision of technology within the organization, the ability to offer or obtain technical support, a clear framework for student evaluation, and ongoing professional learning opportunities (“Essential Conditions”, 2019). These prerequisites are vital to the success of the technology project, and they illustrate the importance of the support mechanisms that are necessary for addition to the curricular alignment of technology standards.
“Essential Conditions”. (2019). The International Society for Technology Education.
This assignment asks you to consider a specific eLearning tool (this can be the same tool that you discussed in previous weeks). Using the ISTE standards, specifically, explain to a group of stakeholders how the selected eLearning technology will align with the sets of standards for students, educators, and administrators. Additionally, discuss the 14 Essential Conditions in terms of your current or prospective organization, indicating any areas of deficiency that might exist.
To access the ISTE standards, visit the ISTE organization website, and create a free account. From here, you can download the three sets of standards for students, educators, and administrators.
This week’s resources include instructions for using the media tool embedded within NCUOne.
Length: 5 to 7-minute video with a transcript.
References: NA
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