Week 1-2: Interactive Learning Activity Week 1-2: Interactive Learning Activity

Week 1-2: Interactive Learning Activity
Week 1-2: Interactive Learning Activity
3.1 Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this week’s activities, you will be able to:
Articulate the importance of applying ethical principles of analysis.
Analyze the consequentialist, deontological, and virtue philosophical approaches
for application in the ethical decision-making process.
3.2 Action Required:
Watch the short video in the following link and answer the questions that follows:
Ethical Decision Making 3.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):
You are working with an important vendor who has offered you a “sweet” deal. However, the vendor has made it clear that he wants a decision now and your internal warning system (i.e. your gut) is telling you that this deal might be an ethical dilemma. Using what you have learned from this chapter, briefly describe how you should proceed. Will you answer him now? How will you think about the “dilemma” and respond to the vendor?
3.4 Instructions
Answer the question in test your knowledge section.
Post your answer for the question in the discussion board using the discussion link below
Week 3-1: Interactive Learning Activity
Week 3-1: Interactive Learning Activity

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