Use or other infographic development tool of your choice to create a p

Use or other infographic development tool of your choice to create a patient teaching aid about over-the-counter treatments for constipation. (See Attachment for an example)
a. When should a laxative be used?….
b. Classification/Types (Bulk, Osmotic, Stimulant, Surfactant)….
c. How each type works, Examples of each…..
d. When should each laxative type be considered?
e. When would each laxative type be contraindicated?
f. Caution of laxative overuse
f1:Symptoms of laxative overuse
f2: Long-term health risks of laxative overuse
f3: Who is at risk?
f4: Possible referrals
(References should be from a professional source such as American Gastroenterological Association)

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