Title Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 6th Edition, Author(s) Berk, Jonathan |

Title Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 6th Edition,
Author(s) Berk, Jonathan | DeMarzo, Peter | Harford, Jarrad
ISBN 9780137852581
eText ISBN 9780137852949
Publisher Pearson Inc (January 1, 2023)
Course MGMT 9170- Corporate Finance
Text: Chapter 3: Time Value of Money
Chapter 4: Time Value of Money: Valuing Cash Flow Streams
Introduction to Financial Statements
Does the value of an asset and the benefits from the asset depend on the entity making the decision? For example, if crude oil trades in a competitive market, would an oil refiner that has a use for the oil value it differently than another investor would? Why or why not?
Using appropriate learning points from the course text(s), provide your response to the above question
word count – minimum 500 words in a minimum, logical and professionally organized paragraphs
For this course the required writing style is APA 7th E, which requires in-text citations with the appropriate reference of the author as well as a list of cited references.
APA formatting guidelines starting with the title page and including the correct use of headings.

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