This assignment focuses on your ability to: research academic and reliable sourc

This assignment focuses on your ability to: research academic and reliable sources; translate
theinformation from those sources into a cohesive piece of writing; respond creatively to artwork.
The purpose of completing this assignment is: as a student and a career professional, and
individual, youwill often be required to research information that will further a school assignment, a
work-related project, or apersonal endeavor. Also, you might be asked to translate research into a
written or oral presentation that you can share with coworkers and peers in a way that will describe,
persuade, or evoke emotion. This assignmenthas all these skills!
Prompt (What are you writing about?):
Find a famous work of art or famous photograph and complete the following:
1. Include a pasted picture of your painting or photograph.
2. Research the artist and the painting/photograph and write a history in your own words. You
must usein text citations for your newly researched information. You should have at least
one academic research source.
3. Create an original Response Poem that uses imagery to describe the artwork and your reaction to it.
Instructions (how to get it done):
• Cut and paste a picture of a famous work of art.
• Research and write a history of the piece of art and the artist.
Note: Be very careful about plagiarism. The purpose of this section is for you to
research thework of art and the artist, put the summary of history and life into your
own words, and then provide in text citations for the researched information.
• Create a descriiptive poem that uses imagery words to provide a visual descriiption of
your chosenartwork and your reaction to it.
Note: Your poem needs to be at least 14 lines. Remember in writing poetry, that not all
poemsneed to rhyme. The important skill here is to use imagery descriiptions to
describe the artwork and the author.
• Length and format: 2-3 pages (not including the pasted picture).
• The title page and reference page are also required, but they should not be factored into the
2-3 pagelength of the essay.
• Research section should be double spaced, written in Times New Roman, in 12 point font
and with 1inch margins. Essay should conform to APA formatting and citation style. Please
refer to the APA 7thedition module with any questions.
• Use APA format for in-text citations and references when using outside sources.
Copyright 2022 Post University, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
• Please be cautious about plagiarism. Make sure to use in-text citations for direct
quotes,paraphrases, and new information.

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