The purpose in writing an evaluation essay is to express your opinion and to persuade your audience to accept your viewpoint. Select a restaurant that you like and evaluate it. Your evaluation must ultimately determine whether the restaurant is good or bad in comparison to similar restaurants. For example, you would evaluate a fast food restaurant in relation to other fast food restaurants, not in relation to five star restaurants. Assume that your audience knows very little or nothing about your restaurant. Your final essay should be two-pages long (double-spaced) and submitted in one of the following formats: microsoft word, pdf, or rtf.
Here are some reminders to get you on your way:
Begin the essay with an interesting title.
Put a thesis in the introduction that clearly states the overall claim or value judgment that you want to communicate. Use the format XXX is a good/bad YYY. YYY should detail the type of restaurant category your restaurant fits into (examples: it’s a good fast food restaurant, a good seafood restaurant, a good upscale restaurant).
Vividly but briefly describe the restaurant being evaluated. Define key terms if necessary.
Choose at least three criteria or standards for the restaurant and make sure these are clarified or obviously stated in the introduction (the preview) and within the essay (the main points/topic sentences).
Judge (positively or negatively) each criterion. Include the criterion and how well your restaurant meets that criterion within each of the topic sentences.
Support judgments by evidence such as facts, examples, descriptions, testimony, or statistics.
Check for good paragraph structure and transition (ties or bridges) between the paragraphs to achieve clarity.
Demonstrate a clear understanding of standard English conventions for punctuation, grammar, spelling, verb tense, and sentence structure.
Document any sources in accordance with MLA standards.
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