The Pioneer ACO project paved the way for the Next Generation and other ACO mode

The Pioneer ACO project paved the way for the Next Generation and other ACO
models. The CMS pioneer ACO model began on January 1, 2012. The project
included an initial three-year performance period and allowed for two
additional option years. CMS used this model to test alternative model designs
with ACOs that were already experienced in shared savings (savings and losses)
models. Thirty-two ACOs started the program in 2012. At the end of the program
in 2016, only eight ACOs remained. A final evaluation report and quality and
financial results from this project are provided on the CMS website at
Review the information in the Final Evaluation Report and the Performance Year
5 data spreadsheet.
Pick one ACO from the Performance Year 5 spreadsheet. Then, review
information for Performance Years 1 through 5. Create a graphic to show
the ACO’s performance throughout the project and answer the following questions
in no less than 300 words:
a. Did the organization improve each year?
b. What could cause an ACO to not meet expenditure benchmarks?
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