The categorical imperative is one of the more important and famous tests for eth

The categorical imperative is one of the more important and famous tests for ethical action. The formulation of the categorical imperative that Kant includes in the section of the Groundwork that we read is the following: “I ought never to conduct myself except so that I could also will that my maxim become a universal law” (18). For this essay I would like you to apply the categorical imperative while making a case for its effectiveness. To apply the CI, you may use Kant’s example (which begins on page 18 and goes to page 19 in our text) whether or not it is morally permissible to make a promise without the intention of keeping it, or you may come up with your own ethical issue. In either case, make careful use of Kant’s text to apply the categorical imperative and then reflect on its usefulness. While you are asked to argue for its effectiveness, you might also consider reflecting on questions such as this in your concluding paragraph(s): Can you think of instances where it might not work? Would reasonable people potentially disagree on the results of applying the categorical imperative?

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