STEP 1: Write your position on the controversial issue. My Position

STEP 1: Write your position on the controversial issue.
My Position: Pipelines are the most efficient and economical ways to move resources.
STEP 2: State the opposing view on the position.
Opposition: Some people believe that pipelines pose too many risks to the health and safety of the environment,
STEP 3: Write two clear and distinctly different points that will be used to support YOUR position.
POINT #1: Using pipelines will boost the U.S. economy.
POINT #2: Using pipelines will reduce dependence on oil from the Middle East.
STEP 4: Now, arrange your thesis parts in proper order. Write your opposition’s position, but lead with the word, “Although” and add the comma after the opposition.
Although some people believe that pipelines pose too many risks to the health and safety of the environment,
STEP 5: Next, after the comma, write your position and add the word “because.”
Although some people believe that pipelines pose too many risks to the health and safety of the environment, pipelines are the most efficient and economical ways to move resource because
STEP 6: Finish by adding your TWO supporting points, and make sure they flow grammatically.
Although some people believe that pipelines pose too many risks to the health and safety of the environment, pipelines are the most efficient and economical ways to move resource because they boost the U.S. economy and they reduce dependence on oil from the Middle East.
STEP 7: Proofread and submit.

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