send on what’s up if you can do it 813312529 Read each of the following articles

send on what’s up if you can do it 813312529
Read each of the following articles that provide information about investing in initial public offerings (IPOs), and in NO MORE than one (1) page (typed and double-spaced) (a) summarize the contents of the articles and (b) indicate the primary message(s) you believe the articles provide.
Debbie Carlson, “7 Reasons You Shouldn’t Buy an IPO,” US News, June 8, 2020, link: to an external site.
Mia Taylor, “What is an IPO and Should You Invest in One?,” Fortune, January 13, 2023, link: to an external site.
Street Authority, “Here’s Why Investing in IPOs Is a Bad Idea …,” posted on, April 12, 2019, link: to an external site.
If clicking on the links provided above does not work, you can access each article by copying the link and pasting it into your web browser.
Explain how commercial banks and credit unions (a) are similar and (b) differ. Explain why, on average, you might expect interest rates offered by both of these types of financial institutions to differ.
Discussions/explanations should be written in your own words (i.e., do not copy from others’ work, including the Internet) using complete sentences that are properly constructed. Do not copy and paste sentences, or partial sentences, from the articles. The assignment you submit will be checked by Turnitin. If the similarity score for your submission is greater than 30 percent, you will not receive credit for the assignment (i.e., you will be given a score of zero).
You must submit your assignment via Canvas as either a Word file or a PDF file; other formats will not be accepted.
You must cite the sources of all information, data, and ideas you use to complete the assignment that you did not develop yourself. You can use any citation method you prefer as long as you provide all the information required to access the original source that was used. Your score will be reduced by up to 1.5 points if citations are not included.
All discussions must be typed and double-spaced. Your score will be reduced by two (2) points if the discussions are not type, and one (1) point if they are not double-spaced.
The grading rubric for this assignment is posted: credit/rubric–f23-chpt03.pdfLinks to an external site.. You should review the grading rubric to ensure you understand how the assignment will be graded and by how much your grade will be reduced if you do not follow directions.
Late assignments will not be accepted, regardless of the reason(s).

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