Review Josie King’s case. Determine how the outcome of this case could have been

Review Josie King’s case. Determine how the outcome of this case could have been prevented if the following strategies would have been applied:
Discussion Questions
What factors contributed or may have contributed to Josie King’s death?
With those contributing factors in mind, how could Josie’s death have been prevented, and what process changes would you recommend to avoid a similar tragedy?
How could the hospital and its providers have given Sorrel King more power over how Josie was treated?
Put yourself in the shoes of one of the clinicians who cared for Josie. How would you have reacted when Sorrel said, “You did this to her, and now you must fix her”?
What can you do to make patients feel respected and included in decisions about their health care?
Discuss persistent quality care problems in nursing practice.
Is there an accepted “culture of missing care”? If so, who is responsible for its evolution?
How should missed nursing care be handled (if at all)?
6. The post should be at least 300 words. Observe APA 7th edition

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