Remember to: Use positive action words to describe your contribution in your res

Remember to:
Use positive action words to describe your contribution in your responses.
Refer to Registered Nurse Standards for Practice and National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards in your responses and include relevant theory where appropriate.
e.g. 1. (2.3, 2.3, 2.4 RN Standards for Practice)
e.g. 2. (relevant to Safety and Quality roles and Responsibilities NSQHS Standard)
Make good use of the word limit (MAX WORD COUNT: 250 each question).

Question 1. Demonstrated clinical knowledge and experience in the delivery of evidence based nursing care within the practice setting.
Tip: include an introduction, use STAR and refer to or map specific RN Standards for Practice or NSQHS in your response.
Question 2. Demonstrated effective interpersonal, negotiation and conflict resolution skills within a clinical setting.
Tip: include an introduction, use STAR and refer to or map specific RN Standards for Practice or NSQHS in your response.
Question 3. Demonstrated effective written and verbal communication skills within a clinical setting.
Tip: include an introduction, use STAR and refer to or map specific RN Standards for Practice or NSQHS in your response.
Question 4. Demonstrates an understanding of the principles of quality improvement and risk management within practice.
Tip: include an introduction, use STAR and refer to or map specific RN Standards for Practice or NSQHS in your response.

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