Reflect on your review of the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric in Module One.

Reflect on your review of the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric in Module One. Your ultimate goal for your final project is to prepare an enterprise-level report and an executive summary on the reporting process.
For Milestone One, you are giving your boss a status report on where you are with the project. At this point, you have viewed the data sets and will address the following prompts to complete this activity:
Compiling and Cleaning the Data
Use the following tutorials to guide you through this activity:
Importing Excel Spreadsheets Into an Access Database PDF
Compressing a File in Windows PDF
Submitting an Access Database to Brightspace PDF
Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and rubric.
The only two things needed for this milestone is
Compiling and Cleaning Data

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