Refer to overarching directions stated for the forum including the grading rubri

Refer to overarching directions stated for the forum including the grading rubric. For your success, this link provides the specific DB2 Grading Rubric to be used for fulfilling the assignment. This assignments work toward CSU Learning Goals LG-A1, B and E in addition to Course Objectives CO-3 and 4 as outlined in your syllabus. Original Student Post of well organized 500-1000 word essay. (30pt total, see DB4 Grading Rubric for specific point distribution): Post is required prior to viewing others’ work for the responses below. Using at least four resources below and the text (if available), read and discuss all of the following points using in-text citations: Using the scientific names (note italics) and indicating an understanding of the four groups and AMH, briefly summarize each of the below Homo groups. Group 1- the three protohominin genuses and Sahelanthropus tchadensis, Orrorin tugenensis and Ardipithecus sp. Group 2- the two basal hominin genuses. Australopithecus sp. and Paranthropus sp. Group 3 – the three Early Homo species, Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis and Homo erectus Group 4 – the five (Early and Late) Archaic Homo species and Homo ergaster, Homo heidelberginsis and Homo antecessor, Homo neanderthalensis and Homo denisova Anatomically Modern Homo sapiens Homo sapiens Student’s analytical (evidence-based) discussion of derived/evolved traits outlining both the major evolutionary trends that differentiate the above human ancestors from chimps/great apes, and the major evolutionary trends that differentiate Anatomically Modern Homo sapiens from the above human ancestors. References (10pt total, see DB4 Grading Rubric for specific point distribution): There are four resources required for the above post and should be referenced appropriately using in-text citation and Works Cited in MLA8 format. The type of resource is provided below for clarity in doing the citation properly. Palaeoanthropology_ homing in on early Homo.pdf (article) Australopithecus to Homo.pdf (article) Archaic Human Admixture A View from the Genome.pdf (article) Diagnosing Homo sapiens in the fossil record.pdf (article) Virtual cranial reconstruction of Sahelanthropus tchadensi.pdf (article) Femur length, body mass, and stature estimates of Orrorin tugenensis, a 6 Ma hominid from Kenya.pdf (article) Late Miocene hominids from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia (Ardipethicus sp.).pdf (article) Lucy: Prehistoric Autopsy (Australopithecine video) (documentary video) Ape-Like Australopithecus After Seventy Years_ Was It a Hominid.pdf (article) In-text citation and works cited are need to fulfill the assignment. See MLA Format Citation Generator (Free) & Quick Guide and this Citation Generator for guidance. Responses of well organized and respectful thoughts in 50+ word paragraph. (5pt total x 2, see DB4 Grading Rubric for specific point distribution) Well-organized and respectful thoughts that address points of interest in 50+ words. Does not include original post. Notation of student’s post (non)fulfillment of assignment. Did they follow all the instructions of the assignment? If not, what is missing/incorrect? At least one positive comment. At least one constructive comment for improvement.

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