Read the two attached articles “POTUS and Marines” and “WOTR Open Letter CivMil”

Read the two attached articles “POTUS and Marines” and “WOTR Open Letter CivMil”
Write a 1-page opinion paper – Calibri, 12 point font. Name upper left corner, one space, title centered, one space, begin writing. Body of the paper will be single spaced.
Read both the attached articles. In your opinion, was it appropriate of President Biden to have two Marines in the background when he gave his speech? Consider these additional questions (you do not have to answer them, but think about them as you write and address them if appropriate for your response): Are there other recent incidents in which a President used the military as backdrop to an important policy announcement or campaign-style speech? Is it ever appropriate to have the military involved in Presidential speeches? Does the President, as commander-in-chief, always the right to have the military around him or her during their speeches? Is it feasible for a President to pick and choose when the military is present for certain speeches, but not for others?
Ensure you cite any outside sources by hyperlinking to the source. Do not copy anything word-for-word – use quotation marks and cite if you are using someone else’s work. You are not allowed to collaborate with any other student in the class. Do not copy someone else’s paper. Do not attempt to alter someone else’s paper and then pass it off as your own original work. A plagiarism check is being performed on all papers utilizing Canvas provided software.

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