Read the attached article and answe the following questions. 1-What design did t

Read the attached article and answe the following questions.
1-What design did this study use? (Experimental or Correlational). Explain how you know (this should be fairly apparent from the title of the article, so please also explain why this is an experimental study).
2-What is/are independent variable(s)? (Specify the levels). Note: there may be more than one IV, or there may be just one. Try to spot them all!
3-What is/are dependent variable(s)? (List all dependent variables authors measured)
4-How many participants were in the study? What methods (e.g., survey, computer, equipment, etc.) did authors utilize to measure variables? How did they manipulate the IV? How did they measure the DVs?
5-What are the findings of the study?
6- Now you are going to write a one paragraph summary of the article you read where you describe the following elements:
a) the design the authors used for their project,
b) identify the independent and dependent variables,
c) talk about how the authors carried out their study (the methods; including the participants, how they manipulated the iv, how they measured the dv, and how they controlled for confounding variables in the study),
d) summarize the results.
But here’s the catch: I want you to write a bad paper. Yup, you read that right, I want you to write a bad paper. I want you to write an example of what a paper should NOT be.
You may be wondering, “what do you mean by a bad paper?” Well, here’s where you can get creative. You can choose to either:
Incorrectly describe one of the above-mentioned required aspects of the paper (items a through d)
Include a lot of grammar or writing errors
Or you could do both!
Just be sure not to purposely incorrectly describe more than one of the requirements ……(in other words, the bulk of your paper needs to have the correct information, but one aspect may be purposely manipulated or changed to be incorrect).
You will be sharing this paper with your peers this week, so be prepared to swap papers with one of your group members during the discussion assignment! The goal is to give your peers lots of elements to fix, so don’t be afraid to be tricky!
a. Write no more than 10 sentences, the max word count is 250.
b. In-text citation and direct quotes are not needed (we will learn how to do that next week!).
c. You cannot directly copy and paste the sentences/phrases from the original article. You must use your own words (paraphrase) to summarize. Each student’s writing should and must be different.
d. Font: Times New Roman; Font size: 12.

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