Read chapters 3&4 from Justice by Michael Sandel. Linked here:
Then, answer two of the three following prompts. Do not use AI to for these responses. Number your answers so we know to which prompts you are responding.
1. Did both libertarianism and utilitarianism appeal to you? That’s not uncommon; however, libertarianism and utilitarianism are at odds.
* Libertarianism focuses on the individual. Utilitarianism focuses on the collective.
* Libertarianism opposes any act that restricts freedom. Utilitarianism supports maximizing pleasure as a result of an action’s consequences.
* Do one of the following two things:
– Reconcile the differences, somehow, between libertarianism and utilitarianism. Explain how a person could subscribe to both.
– Though you may have initially been drawn to both theories, evaluate each of them carefully. Think about the premises they start from and the conclusions they lead to. Choose which ethical theory you think is superior. Defend your choice by showing us how you came to that conclusion.
2. The premises of libertarianism and utilitarianism are:
* Libertarianism: We own ourselves.
* Utilitarianism: Human beings are governed by two sovereign masters: pleasure and pain.
* Explain how at least one of the above premises is false.
– Further explanation for this prompt: Some people don’t like the conclusions that libertarianism leads to (such as selling organs on the free market). Some people don’t like the conclusions that utilitarianism might lead to (such as hurting a minority for the sake of the majority). Rather than arguing with the conclusions, I want you to argue with the premises. Does either libertarianism or utilitarianism start from faulty premises? Defend your reasoning why you think either premise is (or both premises are) not true. You could use argument by analogy or moral coherence, but that is not required.
3. Republicans and Democrats both use libertarian principles to support their position on abortion.
* Republicans defend the freedom and self-ownership of the fetus.
* Democrats defend the freedom and self-ownership of the woman carrying the fetus.
* Which side has the more defensible libertarian position, and why? Show how the other side is using libertarianism inappropriately.
* Note: This is a rational exercise, not a moral exercise. Your answer does not need to line up with your personal position on abortion. There are other ethical approaches to take in the abortion debate apart from libertarianism that might better support your personal view.
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