Read attached file then answer 5 questions below 1.What was the research questio

Read attached file then answer 5 questions below
1.What was the research question that Baumeister et al. (2005) were investigating?
2.How might a researcher’s values and/or social cultural background influence the research question and how it was tested? For example, are there some cultures that experience social rejection to a greater extent?
3.Who was tested and how many subjects were included in the study? Based on who was tested, does this pose any challenges for the generalizability of the findings?
4.Evaluate the findings from Study 1 of Baumeister et al. (2005). Are there any alternative explanations that take into account sociocultural issues that may explain the results?
5.Re-design Study 1 with these potential challenges in mind. Provide a summary and explanation of your research methodology.

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