Reaction Paper Guidelines To be typed and printed in a word processing format, p

Reaction Paper Guidelines
To be typed and printed in a word processing format, preferably Microsoft Word.
Although there is no definite page requirement for the papers, students should have
enough material to write a paper of roughly 1,000 words (about 3 pages) in length,
double-spaced, for each. The font should be fairly standard, such as 12-point Times New
Roman. It should include page numbers, and all citations should be in a proper format
(such as footnotes, endnotes, MLA, etc.). You are required to directly cite from the
The premise of these papers is for students to write about primary sources; The Prince, A
Vindication of the Rights of Woman, and The Covenant of the League of Nations.
When considering these works, you should keep an eye out for what each work has
contributed to both the larger society in which it was set. How did The Prince
demonstrate the political culture of Renaissance Florence? What does A Vindication of
the Rights of Woman tell us about the struggle for equality for women in the West? How
did The Covenant of the League of Nations attempt to create peace and stability after a
world at war? what each work shows us in a larger context.
To complete these papers, you do not need to consult any sources outside of the primary
sources provided. In fact, it is discouraged that you look at outside material, as these
papers are designed to have students offer their opinions on primary works, not to simply
restate the opinions of others.

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