Racial Profiling Please browse the web for a high-quality video (no more than 15

Racial Profiling
Please browse the web for a high-quality video (no more than 15 minutes) that deals with racial profiling. For example, provide an event that captures a police-citizen contact, a news segment, or a portion of a film documentary – but it must be something of value to the class and deal with racial profiling concepts and/or principles found in Chapter 5 of the textbook. Once you’ve identified and reviewed your video, please complete the following:
STEP 2: Post the basic information about your video. Include the following:
Producer/Production Entity
Year Published
Time Length
Short summary about the video content (minimum 100 words; include a word count)
A brief statement about why you picked this video (minimum 50 words; include a word count)
And, answer the following questions using the definition of racial profiling found in Chapter 5: (minimum 100 words; include a word count)
Do you believe that racial profiling occurred in your video?
Why or why not? Provide support for your position (i.e. indicators, evidence, etc,)

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