Q1. “In light of the abundance of literature from other disciplines attesting th

Q1. “In light of the abundance of literature from other disciplines attesting the health-enhancing qualities of nature, it is perplexing that the vast majority of social work practitioners are not incorporating non-human nature in their practice or, at least, are not writing about it.”(from article: Getting Down to Earth)The author cites human centrist tendencies as the cause of this. Are there other possible contributing factors affecting this and if so what might they be? Q2. Do you think Psychoterratic disorders mentioned in the TED Talk could play a part in the previous question? What role do you think defense mechanisms(see some common defense mechanisms https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/defense-mechanisms) might be at work to stave off confronting hard truths and the flooding of uncomfortable emotions? Are there any particular defense mechanisms you have found yourself utilizing more than others when confronted by the realities of human caused climate disruption? Q.3 Do you think the speakers premise that a pandemic of soliphilia could help counter the effects of “environmental melancholia” solastalgia, and other psychoterratic disorders that negatively affect ones nervous system ? Why or why not. If so, any ideas what that might look like in working with individuals or communities in a social work setting?

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