Probing Photos . . . (Inventing Argument) According to the class textbook Envisi

Probing Photos . . . (Inventing Argument)
According to the class textbook Envision, “We might think that a photograph provides a window on another person’s reality. But in fact photographs, like written works, are texts of rhetorical invention.” For this particular assignment, it might prove useful to reread from Envision pages 92-97. To be clear, you will be turning in only the rough draft this week. The following week you will be working on your final draft.
Write a detailed analytical argument about a news or documentary photo based on your own insights. Briefly explain what the photo represents (literally and/or figuratively), but focus most of your paper on how the image promotes its message to a particular group. You will need to consider both the images and any words used in detail.
In a visual analysis, it is crucial to use clear, precise, and detailed description so that your audience (who may or may not have the photo in front of them) will be able to follow your argument. While you may want to describe the overall description of the photo in the opening paragraphs, try and mix description with analysis as you deal with the more specific aspects of the photo.
Your task is to explain the context of the visual, its target audience, and the appeal it has for a particular audience. The overall focus, of course, is on the meaning of this visual. What cultural myths or values does it employ or reflect? Why should this matter to your audience (students and professors)? What does it reflect about the culture in which it appears?
How to construct the paper
Successful papers will take into consideration all five essential feature of a narrative: 1) a clear context, 2) sensory and thoughtful details, 3) a logical organizational pattern, 4) a consistent point of view, and 5) a meaningful point or purpose.
4 FULL pages. Papers that are not at least 4 full pages cannot receive a grade higher than a “C.”
Essay must be typed, using double spacing, 1” margins, 12 point and Times New Roman font. Do not have extra spaces between your paragraphs. Do not bold, underline, or increase the font size of any part of your essay (including the title).
Put your name, my name, the class, and the date on the top left side of the essay.
Number your pages in a header on the top right hand side of the page with your last name (example: Hays 1).
Outside sources required.
Rough drafts must be at least half the page requirement to receive full credit on peer review day (i.e. 1 full typed page)
Click on the red “submit assignment” button at the top of the screen. Note: By the following Monday you will be assigned your first Peer Review.
You can expect written feedback and a grade within three days of the suggested due date. Be sure to check your score and read my feedback. It will be helpful as you prepare for upcoming essays.
View Rubric
Essay Assignment (rubric-100)
Essay Assignment (rubric-100)
Introduction (20)view longer description Engaging and well-developed opening that introduces the essay’s general topic in a clear and thorough voice. Inspires thinking, and logically leads to a compelling controlling idea.
Exceeds: 18-20. Meets: 16-17. Developing: 14-16. Not Met: 13-.
20 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 20 pts
Thesis (20)
view longer description Easily identifiable and well-phrased thesis that addresses a specific argument or idea to be analyzed and proven; reflects sound critical thinking supported by research-based evidence.
Exceeds: 18-20. Meets: 16-17. Developing: 14-15. Not Met: 13-.
20 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 20 pts
Research & Analysis (20)
view longer description Uses research-based evidence and analysis to support the controlling idea; Demonstrates competency in locating, interpreting, and evaluating appropriate sources.
Exceeds: 18-20. Meets: 16-17. Developing: 14-15. Not Met: 13-.
20 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 20 pts
Organization, Language, and Style (20)
view longer description Applies a variety of sentence and paragraph structures within a formal academic style that clearly connect to the thesis; appropriate grammar and syntax with minimal errors.
Exceeds: 18-20. Meets: 16-17. Developing: 14-15. Not Met: 13-.
20 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 20 pts
MLA Format (20)
view longer description Integrates appropriate MLA standards: headings, fonts, spacing, indentation, in-text citations, etc., and with a thorough Works Cited page, with appropriate resources.
Exceeds: 18-20. Meets: 16-17. Developing: 14-15. Not Met: 13-.
20 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 20 pts

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