September 11, 2023
1. AssignmentLogistics
1) Now that your group membership has been identified, arrange a date and time to meet with your group as soon as possible. The assignment due date will come fast, so you need to be quick!
2) During your first meeting, review the assignment (this document). Look over the roles outlined for this assignment and decide amongst yourselves who will perform each role. In the event of nobody coming to the meeting, the Project Manager (The one who setup the meeting) will assign roles. In future assignments, each of you will be required to do a different role than you have done previously.
3) The Project Manager will lead a discussion on creating a schedule for suitable meeting times. You should meet at least 3 times during the week to complete this assignment. You must give enough time for the QA specialist to complete their wrap-up of the assignment and post it to Moodle.
Roles of Group Members (See Moodle for further role descriptions and rubrics)
For this assignment, there are four roles summarized as follows:
1. Project Manager/Administrator: The project manager/administrator is responsible for leading the assignment work and treating it like a project. They will ensure that work gets performed as per the schedule that develop in consultation with the team.
Develop a project schedule for completing the group assignment. Work with the group to plan activities to complete the assignment. Plan includes preferred communication methods, location of shared documents, meeting methods.
Monitoring progress based on the plan, notifying and reminding group members of their tasks and responsibilities as necessary.
Coordinate the efforts of the team members by creating meeting agendas, taking attendance, taking meeting minutes. (Meeting minutes are logs of meeting conversations and decisions)
2. Researcher/Educator: The research component of this role is to work with the group to select a project idea that will be used for this assignment. It may be a project being used in order courses, or a project used in a previous block. The educator portion of this role is responsible for reviewing the forms required for this assignment and reading the book of forms explanations for each form. The student in this role will teach their group how to use the forms and how to complete them. This should be done through a PowerPoint and a recorded Zoom (or alternative) session.
Work with the group to select a project and create a project charter, if one is not available.
Use the Book of Forms to get an explanation of each field in each form used in the project.
Create a PPT that walks the team through the forms and the fields along with a description of each.
Record this presentation in an MP4 file.
Cite the sources for all information and data obtained through this work. Also ChatGPT or other AI if
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3. Writer: The writer is responsible for creating the initial the homework submission.
Create or update the homework submission document using the forms provided in Moodle.
Add all appropriate forms required by the assignment (Project Charter, Cost Management Plan,
Assumption Log, Citations, etc…)
Create and/or update assumptions made throughout all team meetings. (These assumptions should
relate to cost)
Formalize citations/references for the submission in the appropriate format provided by the
professor. (This includes ChatGPT or other AI research)
Ensure that a single document is used collaboratively to create the homework assignment.
4. Designer/ Quality Assurance Specialist: The designer is responsible for creating the visual elements of the project charter, such as infographics or diagrams. They will ensure that the design of the homework submission is aesthetically pleasing and easy to read as well as meets the required standards and specifications outlined in the Rubric. They will review the submission to ensure all required elements are present by using the rubric provided for this role.
Review the document to check for spelling & grammar errors and formatting inconsistencies
Identify areas that require revision. (Identify, not revise).
Ensure that the project charter aligns with the overall goals of the project and meets the needs of the
Utilize Grammarly or other tool to identify any potential use of material that is not cited in the
assignment. (Any identified potential academic integrity violations should first be communicated to
the group member, before being brought to the professor)
Complete the QA Rubric as provided in the assignment. In the event the other group members do
not submit quality work, a graded rubric can be provided by this group member to demonstrate understanding of the requirements)
Anticipated effort over the Assignment:
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3. Assignment Background and Description
Your group must decide on a project that will be used for all assignments in this course. If a required, use an article from the website and summarize it as a business case, then develop a project charter. You may use the Internet to research a case for your project proposal, but you must cite your sources. You can also choose a project that you have previously worked on in the PMPD program as long as it utilizes the same Project Charter form from the Book of Forms.
The scope of your project proposal needs to be large enough with enough complexity to be able to be used to assess your project cost management abilities as outlined in the learning outcomes of the course outline.
Although each group member will have a specific role in completing this assignment, the specific roles are not intended to reduce collaboration and teamwork in any way. The intention is to clearly identify the responsibility of each team member for the role in this assignment. If a team member does not perform their assigned, this should not majorly impact the grading of other team members. DO NOT fulfill the role of another team member! Coaching and mentoring only!
The Designer/Quality Assurance Specialist will submit the final version of the assignment to Moodle on behalf of the group.
Each student in the group will need to submit the documentation to prove they have fulfilled the requirements of their role.
4. High-LevelRequirements
Project Charter: The charter will describe the project your group is going to work on. You must use the project charter template 1.1 posted in Moodle.
Cost Management Plan: This plan should include the following information:
Units of measure
Level of precision
Level of accuracy
Organizational procedures links
Control thresholds
Rules of performance measurement
Reporting formats
Use the definitions on page 238 of the PMBOK (v6) or page 82-83 of Project Manager’s Book of Forms for more details on each item.
You must use the Cost Management Plan from the Project Manager’s Book of Forms. (Template posted in Moodle)
Assumption Log: You also need to include an assumption log, form 1.2 in the Book of Forms. At this point, the assumption log will contain any assumptions you have had to make to create your Cost Management Plan. The assumptions need to be clearly stated and be actionable. The actions should be assignable as tasks to those responsible for the assumption to be turned into a fact.
Citation of Sources: Identify all sources that you used in the completion of this assignment. See Moodle for how to cite your sources.
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5. Deliverables – Final Group Submission
Note that each role will have their own set of deliverables which is documented in detail in the Assignment # 1 section of Moodle. Each student must submit documents/files that provide proof that they did the work required of their role. Each role has a separate dropbox for the assignment in Moodle.
The final Group submission of the final document is performed by the QA Specialist in their appropriate drop box:
A single MS Word document with track changes enabled and utilized, containing a Title Page, a Table of Contents generated by MS Word, a completed Project Charter, Cost Management Plan, Assumption Log and a section with a list of Citations (Including AI inquiries like ChatGPT).
Due Friday, September 29, 2023 @ 11:59PM
Your assignment needs to be submitted in MS Word format using the forms from the “A Project Manager’s Book of Forms” book. Use the rubrics posted in Moodle as a guide to ensure your assignments have all the required components
Please use the drop box provided on the course Moodle page to submit your work. Be careful to use the drop box for the role that you have performed in the assignment.

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