Preparation. Please be sure to complete all reading materials prior to completin

Preparation. Please be sure to complete all reading materials prior to completing this assignment. It is important that you understand the components of:
The S.W.O.T. Analysis, and
4 P’s Example:…
The Marketing Mix (AKA “The Four P’s”).
On a double-spaced MS Word Doc (Times New Roman, 12 font), complete Part A and Part B (below):
Part A: Conduct a SWOT Analysis on one of the following:
Your school,
A group you are a member of,
A publicly traded company,
A local business, or
A non-profit.
Use the format below to organize your thoughts. Full sentences are not needed, so feel free to use bullet points for this assignment. You need a minimum of three points under each heading.
Part B: Describe what you find by relating the items you identified in your S.W.O.T. Analysis to the components of the Marketing Mix (the “Four P’s”). In other words, how do each of the “Four P’s” fit into the S.W.O.T. Analysis (e.g. competitive pricing, product quality, distribution challenges, limited advertising budget, etc.)? Use the format below to organize your thoughts. Full sentences are again not needed, so feel free to use bullet points. You need a minimum of three points under each heading.
Please include a Cover Page that includes your name, date, and the organization you are analyzing. References are NOT required for the Week One written assignment.
Students: Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write.

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