Please write a 1.5-2 page essay on the connections between Aristophanes’ “Lysist

Please write a 1.5-2 page essay on the connections between Aristophanes’ “Lysistrata” and the Broadway Musical “The Happiest Girl In The World.” How do plot points, characters, themes, or techniques compare to each other across both plays? What did “Lysistrata” influence in “The Happiest Girl In The World?” Explain how these plays are alike and how they may differ. Show how Aristophanes’ original ancient Greek play “Lysistrata” inspired the 1961 Broadway musical “The Happiest Girl In The World.”
The essay should be formatted as five paragraphs consisting of the introductory paragraph (with a thesis sentence at the end), three body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph.
I am attaching several files to help. I will give you a copy of “Lysistrata,” a summary and short analysis of Lysistrata, and a summary of musical “The Happiest Girl In The World.”

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