PLEASE FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS BELOW!! Psy 621: Ethics Assignment 1 There is no mo

Psy 621: Ethics
Assignment 1
There is no more controversial treatment than the use of highly aversive punishment
procedures for children and adolescents, especially those with disabilities. Some behavior
analysts strongly oppose the use of aversive punishment procedures (for example, skin shock,
aromatic ammonia, lemon juice). Other behavior analysts weigh the short-term discomfort to
the client associated with such procedures against the potentially long-term relief from pain
and risk to the client that may occur if dangerous behaviors are not effectively decreased or
stopped so that more appropriate skills can be taught.
Conduct a search for information on aversive procedures being used with children and
adolescents. Cite the source and describe the treatment. Prepare 3–4 pro statements that
might be given to support the use of the treatment. Also, prepare 3–4 con statements that
might be given to oppose the treatment. Finally, give your own opinion. Discuss relevant ethical
compliance code elements that you have learned in this course thus far. You must use APA
formatting (references, citations), professional language, correct terminology, reflecting your
points in a clear, concise and organized manner. This paper should be approximately 3-4 pages.
Please use 3 sources and this book:
“Ethics for behavior analysis” by Jon Bailey
these articles:
Article Review: Guidance or compliance: What makes an ethical behavior analyst?
A call for Discussion About Scope of Competence in Behavior Analysis

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