Part I: Week 4 Writing Disscusion (200 words) POP & POD Analysis (assigned textb

Part I: Week 4 Writing Disscusion (200 words)
POP & POD Analysis (assigned textbook reading for reference is attached)
Industry Overview: Select one industry (Hotel Industry) and provide a brief statement about this industry
Brand Category Leader: Name and profile the Brand Category Leader.
Challenger Brand: Name and profile the ‘Challenger Brand’ in that industry (AirBnB).
Put the name of the ‘Challenger Brand’ in the subject line of your initial discussion post.
Target Market Statement: Briefly profile the primary target market of the ‘Challenger Brand’ by creating a Target Market Statement.
POPs & PODs: State several Points-of-Parity and Points-of-Differences between the ‘Challenger Brand’ and the Brand Category Leader relative to target market wants and target market needs.
Part II: Week 4 Writing Assignment (500 words)
This week you will begin writing portions of the main “Brand Audit” project. Please review the Brand Audit Summary (see attached) now if you haven’t taken the time to review this document yet. For the Week 4 discussion, you selected one ‘Challenger Brand’ and the Brand Category Leader. You now must identify 1 more major competing brand. Doing this will allow you to compare your ‘Challenger Brand’ to the Brand Category Leader plus one other major competing brand. This week, you will write a concise (short), persuasive memorandum (memo) in your own words, not a research report, which means that you do not need a Cover Page or Table of Contents. However, you are to include References (not included as part of a typical memo, but you will include them for this course). For your memo, you are writing to the Brand Manager to propose conducting a Brand Audit. Your memo will cover the following:
a.Brand Audit Purpose & Benefits: Briefly explain the contents of a Brand Audit and the benefits of a Brand Audit to the ‘Challenger Brand’ Manager (Assume the Brand Manager is not familiar with this analysis tool).
b.Target Market Statement: Profile the Challenger Brand’s primary target market by creating a Target Market Statement.
c.Competitive Landscape Overview: Profile the competitive industry and name all primary/major competitors in the industry of your Challenger Brand. Then, provide a deeper review of the two major competitors you have selected (not the Challenger Brand). This information will allow you to compare the Challenger Brand to its main competitors in key areas, e.g., market share, distribution level, product lines, POPs, and PODs. However, you may speak to other key areas of comparison.
d.Key Market Issues: If you are aware of any key recent changes in the marketplace (e.g., loss of market share, increase in social media negative consumer comments, growth or arrival of a competitor, growth of the category leader, new technology that will disrupt the industry, etc.), provide that information as part of the rationale for your Brand Audit.
The key to crafting a great memo for this Manager is to avoid analysis. Therefore, do not make any brand improvement recommendations in this memo. Graphics are not to be included.NOTE: You will be using much of what you are to write for this memo for your Brand Audit (final project).(You may use the text in bold as the headers for your writing assignment – no colons.)

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