Part 1: Social Media or Blog Post Write a 280- to 400-word social media post or

Part 1: Social Media or Blog Post
Write a 280- to 400-word social media post or blog post (the genre) in which you:
• Select a topic (the purpose) of your choice and persuade people (the audience) of your choice to do, think, or feel something.
o As a starting point for topic ideas, consider selling a product, advertising an event, or sharing a thoughtful article with coworkers.
o Use or link to credible images, videos, or articles in your social media or blog post to help support your message.
• Include the who, what, when, why, and how (the context) for the topic you identified.
Input your social media or blog post in the space provided below.
If you add an image to support your post, include it in the image box below.

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