Part 1 Instructions – Step 1 – Choose a Vulnerable Population Category – In Mod

Part 1 Instructions –
Step 1 – Choose a Vulnerable Population Category – In Module III, you learned about
Vulnerable Population Categories (see Table 1 below). o Resources to use:
▪ Each category be found in Stanhope & Lancaster reference to help you learn more about specific vulnerable population.
▪ Appendix C (Vulnerable Population Categories with websites) – This resource can help you select one of vulnerable population that interests you.
▪ Bon Secours has already completed a CHNA and is a great place to start your search for a vulnerable population and then narrow down to your selected vulnerable population to a county, city, or locale.Bon Secours 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment – direct link: commitment/community-health-needs-assessment
You will need to scroll down to view Richmond.
o Example of Step 1 using Table 1 below: let’s pick “Children & Adolescents” category.
Table 1
Children & Adolescent Men
Older Adult
Other Special Populations:

• • • •
Poverty & Homelessness
School populations
Employee populations Correctional population Populations affected by Disasters
Step 2 – Pick a Specific Vulnerable Community – Now that you selected a vulnerable category, you need to narrow this down to one specific vulnerable community. There are many
your selection.
communities to consider. To help you with this, review appendix A to help you get started with
Please note:
Appendix A has a list of vulnerable communities with an introductory weblink to help you
get started.
Appendix E will help you locate current Community health Needs Assessments as well
other evidence-based data to start your start your search of information about vulnerable
o Example of Step 2: In step 1, the Children & Adolescent Category was selected. Now we need to narrow down this category to select a specific vulnerable population. For this example, from the “Children & Adolescent” category. “Children between the ages 5 – 7years of age” was selected from Appendix A.
Step 3 – Choose one Determinant – Next, we need to think about what you want to learn more about this vulnerable community. What disparity or determinant would you select? To help you select a health disparity or social determinant, refer to Appendix B.o Example of Step 3 – so far, we have selected the “Children & Adolescent” category. Then we narrowed the vulnerable population down to “Children 5-7 years of age”. After looking at Appendix B, the determinant picked for this example is “Biological Determinant”.
Step 4 – Select a Health Disparity for your selected vulnerable population from Appendix B.Example of Step 4 – so far, we have selected the “Children & Adolescent” category. Then we narrowed the vulnerable population down to “Children 5-7 years of age”. After looking at Appendix B, the determinant picked for this example is “Biological Determinant” and the health disparity is “childhood obesity” is selected.
Step 5 – Pick a location that has your selected community There is one more step before you have your selected vulnerable population. What location do you want to know more about? Where is your vulnerable population located? Is it a school, state, region, or neighborhood?Example of Step 5 – We have selected the Children & Adolescent category. Then we narrowed the vulnerable population down to “Children 5-7 years of age”. After looking at Appendix B, the determinant picked for this example is “Biological Determinant” and “childhood obesity” was selected. The location is Richmond City Schools.
Step 6 – Select which Community Health Needs Assessment you will use to support the needs of your selected vulnerable population. (See Appendix E)
Step 7 – Document your selected vulnerable population information in the Virtual Community Health Needs Assessment Template (see Appendix D) under step 1.
Step 8 – Submit your completed Part 1 on your virtual Community Health Needs Assessment Template in blackboard under the Assignments tab.______________________________________________________________________
Part 2 Instructions –
Part 2 – Complete Part 2 includes completing a virtual community health needs assessment template on your selected vulnerable population (See Appendix D).
Use Fawcett article to learn more about what you need to know about your vulnerable population.
Use the website provided to start researching your selected vulnerable population.
Use other resources to learn more about your selected vulnerable population described in Part 1.
Document your findings on the provided template in part 2.
This part of the template will take time to complete so make sure you allow the time you need to complete.
Upload completed the community health needs assessment template (completed Part 1 and Part 2 sections) into the submission slot located in the Assignment > Vulnerable Population Project.______________________________________________________________________
Part 3 Instructions –Part 3 – Elevator Speech -You will advocate for your vulnerable population in a 90 second video
To prepare for your elevator speech:
o Select your one opportunity you identified from the “Community Opportunities for
Improvement” section from your virtual community assessment template (Appendix D). o Reflect on what you have learned about your vulnerable population from your community
assessment, select a problem/issue and create a solution.
o What model of care would you use to implement your solution? (Healthcare delivery, value
based, Triple AIM, etc.)
o What resources/partnerships would you need to make the solution a reality?
Record a 90 second Advocacy Video for your selected community opportunity. o Make sure you mention the following in your video:▪ State the name of your vulnerable community
▪ Important characteristics of your vulnerable community
▪ Evidence based information identifying ONE issue/concern/problem/need
▪ A specific intervention/resource to support that ONE identifiedissue/concern/problem/need that could support your community
▪ You use the recoding resource (Panopto) on blackboard under Books & Toolso Must demonstrate Professionalism by:
Greeting to introduce self
Must be dressed professionally and wearing an ID badge
Must be professional in demeanor, attitude, and presentation style
Makes eye contact & engages with the audience
Uses proper grammar/diction during presentation
Imagine this scenario: Here is the setting in which you will be presenting your 90 second elevator speech.
o You are attending the Virginia Nurses Association nursing conference at The Jefferson Hotel. You arrive at the conference site and see that your conference educational session is on the tenth floor. You go to the elevator, push the up button, and wait for the elevator to arrive. The elevator door opens, you walk in and push the 10th floor button. As the door closes, you discover the CEO of Bon Secours Mercy Health is standing in the elevator, and you are the only two people standing there. This is your chance! You have worked hard to learn about your vulnerable community, and now you have the chance to advocate for an intervention/resource to support your community in need.
▪ What would you say?
▪ Remember you only have 90 seconds to go from the first floor to the 10th floor. ▪ Good luck!
Upload your 90 second elevator speech in appropriate admission slot in blackboard as per course calendar due date and include your video with a direct link to your video and video time.
At the conclusion of this assignment, you will have completed the Module Objective Competency based objectives to apply knowledge of health promotion strategies to promote the delivery of just and equitable care that reflects cultural humility, inclusivity, consideration of social determinants of health, and advocacy.
In summary, here is what you have accomplished:
o Identified a vulnerable population and its determinants
o Provided a description of the selected vulnerable community
o Completed a community assessment documented on a virtual community assessment
template on a selected vulnerable community.
o Selected a problem/need
o Created a solution using a model of health care
o Created a 90 second advocacy video for your identified need/problem in your selected
community needs.

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