Page 1 – Case Brief (be clear & concise) Page 2 – SWOT analysis (bullet points)

Page 1 – Case Brief (be clear & concise)
Page 2 – SWOT analysis (bullet points)
Page 3 – References
Your task is to write an executive summary style one-page case brief in which you advise a party in the Alternative Meat Industry (either Beyond Meat or Impossible Foods – your choice) concerning their branding strategies.
First, read the Ivey case “Where’s the Beef” as background to this assignment. Conduct some additional background research on the industry, its products, its marketing strategies in general, and branding strategies in particular. (List your sources using any reference style at the end of the brief. This does not count against the one page total.)
As introductory background to your written case brief, answer the following questions in one concise paragraph. This should be the first paragraph of your case brief.
How would you define the product positioning of Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods?
What appear to be the principle target segments?
Where are meatless meat altenative products in the Product Life Cycle?
SWOT: Pick one competitor on which to focus, either Beyond or Impossible. What are the major strengths and weaknesses of the company; the major threats and opportunities they face in the current (2023) environment? (SWOT analysis can be bullet points in a table, which will not count against the page total.)
Next, imagine that as the alternative meat industry continues its expansion into the consumer market, they are considering how they might benefit from the use of sonic branding. The firm for which you did the SWOT analysis approaches you to advise them on (1) the names of individual products under the parent company’s “family brand” umbrella, and (2) the possibilities of developing a “sogo” (auditory logo) to create a “voice” or auditory identity for the umbrella brand. Drawing from this module’s readings, please advise them in the remainder of your case brief regarding:
Creating individual brand names for items in their product mix, with a focus on sounds to use and sounds to avoid. Generate some examples to illustrate good (and, optionally, bad!) names.
Creating a sogo for use in promotional communication. What can they reasonably expect a sogo to do for their brand? What auditory design specs would you recommend (e.g., number of tones)? What criteria should they use to evaluate prospective sogos proposed by a production shop such as SonicMinds and why? (See: ) Justify your recommendations.

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