Over the past three weeks, you have been exposed to many concepts, theories, and

Over the past three weeks, you have been exposed to many concepts, theories, and terms related to psychology. Now is the time to make personal application to the concepts. This personal application of concepts learned is one of the things that makes psychology such an interesting area of study. Not all courses of study have such a direct application to our own lives. You will research and write about “Social Changes In Life-Span Development” and make personal application of this to your own life.
You will read and research at least six scholarly sources from the Keiser Online Library and then identify, discuss, and place this concept in proper context in your own life. After you have identified this concept, you will then explain ways this concept can be applied to your own life with examples. I hope you enjoy your research and this personal application.
Identify at least six (6) social changes that have affected your life (ie: the way you dress, the words you use, where you live, your choice of work, your choice of school, the foods you like, the music you listen to, the friends you have or had, your social media preferences, etc., and then in your paper, include a section heading for each social change individually and write about how those social changes in life-span development have specifically affected your life, making sure to support each one with citations and references from your scholarly sources. Utilize the final paper example listed below to ensure that your sections are set up correctly.
Use as the six (6) social changes that have affected your life: where I live (I have lived in Cuba,Spain and USA), the way y dress (on you), my family ,my major (Nursing “becoming an RN),the friends you have or had,my romantic relationships.

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