ONE: Complete the “Self Reflection” on page 95 of your book. (((( I’m already co

Complete the “Self Reflection” on page 95 of your book. (((( I’m already complete it and I attached for you )))))))
Include your total score in your discussion post.
What are your thoughts about your score on the Self-reflection score? Were you surprised? Is there something that concerns you? What improvements can you make to lower your stress or to address areas that have room for improvement?
TWO: List five favorite ways YOU use to lower your stress.
I attach to you two of my friends reply
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1) My total score on the “Self Reflection” Was a 47. I wasn’t too surprised about the score if I’m being totally honest. Currently, I’m at a very stress free point in the semester so I try and savor this time as much as I can. One thing that constantly concerns me and that I try to change is worrying about what or how people see and think about me. It’s something I’ve always struggle with and has slowly gotten better over the years but it’s a very slow process. I’m a very outgoing person and try to be friends with everyone so I sometimes can get caught up in making sure I’m actually interacting and being present with everyone.
2) Some of my favorite ways to reduce stress are: Listening to music, playing card games and hanging out with friends, practicing ballet, watching reality TV, and cleaning
the second ###################
My total score on the self-reflection test was a 38. I would not say that I am surprised because over the past year I have learned many new healthier ways to handle my daily stressors. This past year was a very immense year of growth for me and my mental health. I accepted that I am in my stage of life described as “identity vs. confusion,” or basically discovering who you and what you believe. There were a couple questions that I did however score a 5 on, but I believe there are ways I can change. An example of one of these questions was how I tend to put more into relationships than the other party. I am still figuring out how not to be a people-pleaser, however, it is not an easy feat for me.
My five favorite stress reducers are: eating ice-cream, exercising (particularly hooping or going for a walk), getting lost in a book, talking to my mom, or watching my favorite movies.

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