nternational Business – Case Analysis Guidelines  Three (3) – four (4) page typ

nternational Business – Case Analysis Guidelines
 Three (3) – four (4) page typed Case summary. Do not exceed the four (4)
page limit for your written paper. You can use a fifth (5) page for graphics
(chart, graph, table, and picture) which are relevant to your case analysis
or recommendations.
 Assume your Case summary will be read by the CEO and Board of
Directors. Be professional.
 Be clear and concise. However, be specific enough to demonstrate what
you know.
 You will receive a much better grade for thorough research, original
thoughts and ideas, and well supported recommendations. You will
receive a very low grade for lack of research and unsupported
recommendations. Do not repeat facts given in the case.
 Written analysis
o Discuss the challenges and/or important factors facing the company
o Show evidence that you performed research on relevant topics
(industry, company, product, country, market, competition, etc…)
and understand the current situation (the cases are several years
o Discuss two (2) possible alternatives to “solve” the problem
o Recommend a specific course of action and provide a convincing
explanation as to why your actions will lead to success for the
company (vague & general reasons will not convince me)
o Do NOT merely repeat facts stated in the case. Demonstrate your
critical thinking ability.
 Financial analysis
o Use the knowledge and quantitative skills you acquired in your
accounting, finance, economics, statistics, etc… courses
o Use data and information to analyze the situation and support your
o Use charts, graphs, tables, etc… to explain the situation and help
others to understand your recommendations
**see the files for more details.**

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