Need a page to be added and need my paper to be revised. Analyzing a Discourse C

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Analyzing a Discourse Community:
Discover the assumptions at work in a given discourse community by asking journalists’ questions.
Who: Who are the typical participants? What personality and interests seem to make someone more or less successful in the group? What personas are they asked to adopt?
What: What do participants need to know to work effectively in this community? What kinds of depth of knowledge are expected? What topics are appropriate for discussion, reading, and communication? What critical assumptions lie behind the actions and communications of participants?
When and Where: When and where do people accomplish the work of the group? Are there recognizable rituals and working habits—a “workplace culture”—in this community? Are there rules and regulations that must be followed, for example? Do people work alone or mainly in groups?
How: How are questions asked, answers found, and results conveyed within this group? How are problems resolved? What forms of communication are most common? Do writers usually know their readers personally?
Why: Why does this group exist or why was it formed? Given your other observations, what beliefs or values seem to guide the people and practices of this community?
Studying Forms of Communication:
Writing Situation and Medium
Genre – includes both the writing situation and the medium, e.g., a laboratory report, persuasive essay, research paper, proposal, accident report, resume.
Medium—the basic form employed within the writing situation to create a genre — a set of required verbal and sometimes visual components. “Dear Sandra,” and “Love, Ellen,” indicate the genre is a personal letter. Medium is the set of features that are unique to that specific genre. The lab report – logically organized, objective voice and style, carefully researched, dates, figures, graphs, etc.
STYLE: Difficult to define but easily recognizable. Different kinds of writing require different styles of writing.
Questions for determining appropriate style:
POV: Personal, “I”? Third person, “one”? Direct address, “you”?

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