n this assignment, you will search the literature in WCU databases for ONE quant

n this assignment, you will search the literature in WCU databases for ONE quantitative article that was published within 5 years of today’s date and is related to your PICOT question. Please include your PICOT question in your submission.
Ensure that you are using the approved PICOT assignment topic list. Read the first few sentences of the methods section of your articles to assess what type of article you have. If your article is not approved by faculty on Wednesday of Week 5, you have until Friday of Week 5 to reload a new article to this assignment for approval. Work with the librarian or your instructor as needed. Important: Articles must be approved before beginning the appraisal assignment. All article uploads take place this week.
Please upload the full article in Word or PDF format. Avoid submitting links or citations. Your instructor must be able to read the entire article. In addition to the article, you must include a copy of your PICOT question in this assignment.
If a reload article is needed for the week 4 assignment, the original grade does not change. The purpose of the article reload is to ensure you have an approved article to use in week 6 appraisals.

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