magine you have been asked by your school principal to develop a video on your r

magine you have been asked by your school principal to develop a video on your research on the relationships between educational philosophies, legal and ethical responsibilities, and professional standards in serving students in diverse classrooms and schools for presentation at an upcoming district meeting. Create a 5-minute video. Include the following in your video: An introduction defining educational philosophies, legal and ethical responsibilities of teachers, and professional standards and the 2 examples of each: What is an Educational Philosophy? provide two examples What are Legal and Ethical responsibilities of teachers? provide two examples What are Professional Standards? provide two examples A review of how each of the elements relates to delivering impactful teaching and learning in diverse classrooms and schools Research a short case study/dilemma or create your own incorporating all 3 elements that might be faced by a classroom teacher and provide and suggest resolutions to the dilemma Cite a minimum of 3 sources in your video. “According to….etc” Conclusion leaving your audience with something to ponderP

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