Let’s explore licensure in the US and abroad.
1. What are the licensure requirements for professional counselors in the state of Florida?
If you were to go to the NBCC website, they provide you with information on each state’s licensing board from which you can explore the details of licensure in that state. In addition, the ACA website has links for licensed professional counselor licensure information by state.
For students outside the United States, a government website should have the information you need.
a. What is title of the license in this state? [hint: in Florida, it is Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC)]
b. How many hours of graduate study and supervised clinical experience must an individual have to apply for licensure?
c. What licensure examination must they pass?
d. How many hours post Master’s must an individual have of clinical work to become licensed? Who can supervise an individual for licensure post-master’s graduation?
2. Once you have researched Florida, select TWO other states (or countries) you might consider working in after you graduate. Find out all the same information (answer questions a, b, c and d above for each of the two additional states/countries) for those states/countries and provide the responses.
3. Now that you have information on 3 separate states/countries licensure laws, answer the following questions:
a. How are the licensure laws similar between the three states and/or countries?
b. How are they different?
This assignment can be submitted as simple responses to the questions posed, meaning you don’t need to write the responses in paragraph form.
All the questions need to be answered even if the response, is that the information is not available.
Be sure your responses are clear and understandable—for example if the question is “What licensure examination must they pass? ” Your response should be something like–The licensure examination in the State of Florida is _______.
***Cite the website or resource where you found your information.
You may not cut and paste from any websites or resources***
Licensure Maintenance
1. Write a short overview of continuing education and other licensure status maintenance requirements for the state of Florida and the state in which you plan to reside and practice. (if the state of Florida is the state you plan to reside in, choose one additional state that interests you)
Be sure to cite the website or resource where you found your information.
2. In addition to the above requirements, find and list three resources for obtaining continuing education.
Cite the website or resource where you found your information.
Your questions need to be answered in sentence form in your own words. You may not cut and paste from any websites or resources.
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