Learning Style Dominant Learning Abilities Learning Characteristics Assimilator

Learning Style Dominant Learning Abilities Learning Characteristics
Abstract conceptualization
Reflective observation
Good at inductive reasoning, creating theoretical models, and combining disparate observations into an integrated explanation
Tends to be less concerned with people than with ideas and abstract concepts
Concrete experience
Active experimentation
Good at implementing decisions, carrying out plans, and getting involved in new experiences
Tends to be at ease with people but may be seen as impatient or pushy
share an example of something you’ve learned recently, such as a new procedure or process at work, how to use a new computer program, how to perform a complex task, or even how to take a college course on training and organizational development. Be sure to identify which type of learner you are, or at least identify with the most, and strive to write about how your dominant learning abilities and learning characteristics affected your learning of new information or skills.
Scholar reference with a in text citation

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